I'm always interested to see how the kids, and us as a family, do sans computer, Wii, and Internet, since the cabin doesn't have any of these. While we did watch TV together, we also played Monopoly and hide-and-go-seek, went for walks and to the park, and had fun outside and by the water. My hubby and the boys also went golfing and on mini-adventures while my daughter slept and I revised one of my manuscripts. It was a nice break.
Now that we're back to "normal life" with all its technology, homework, housework, jobs, church responsibilities etc., I want to find ways to incorporate that simpler, unplugged time at the cabin into our lives here. [My kids apparently had this down yesterday :) - as I wrote this, they'd clogged the stairs with pillows, blankets and couch cushions and were having a hey-day riding down it!] Ah - the simple things.
What's your favorite thing to do on family vacations? How do you maintain balance between all those technological devices and living life? What tricks do you have for keeping things simple?