That dream will become a reality in September of this year when my book will be published by Harlequin's Love Inspired Historical.
This weekend has been a whirlwind, to say the least. I received an offer from Harlequin and now have the fabulous Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC as my agent. I couldn't be more excited for both!
I want to share my journey getting to this point because I love reading other people's stories, but it's hard to know where to start.
Back in 2004, after the birth of my first son, when I decided to write my first novel? Back in 2007, when I finished writing this story that will become my first published book? Maybe back in 2010 when I went to my first national conference and an agent requested the full manuscript of this book? That was really when I realized I had a viable, fun story.
All of those would work as beginnings - certainly as stepping stones to this point - but I'll save time and fast-forward to 2011 when I entered a pitch contest for Love Inspired Historical. (I wrote about it here.) I was one of six winners selected to do an online chat, and they requested the full manuscript. Though there were things they liked, initially they passed, mostly because my hero was too perfect.
So I took a chance and wrote them back to ask if they would read the manuscript again if I fixed my hero. To my surprise and delight, I got a "yes" response. That began a seven-week task of revising before I sent the manuscript off again.
Then I waited, hoping, wondering what they thought. Last Friday, I got my answer. Harlequin wanted to publish my book. I told my editor it was the best Friday the 13th I'd ever had!
In addition to the sort of dazed state I'm walking around in this week, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the many people who have lent support to my writing over the years - chiefly, my husband and my Father in Heaven. Thanks to all of you - including my blog friends here - for taking this journey with me!
What good things have you experienced lately? What fills you up with gratitude?