I hate driving in the snow or heavy rain and last Saturday I did just that. I was driving with my boys to a store about twenty minutes from our house. It was raining and I was nervous to traverse the wet, busy, and construction-clogged freeway. Because we didn't have to be anywhere at a certain time, though, I reminded myself I didn't need to hurry. And guess what? My confidence increased as I allowed myself to take things at a slower but steady pace.
How many times in life do we get moving at breakneck speed and all sorts of stress, worry, or fear set in as a result? Of course there are things we have to do and places we have to be. But if we could slow down and proceed through life at a less rushed pace, I think our confidence in ourselves and what we can do would increase and so would our enjoyment of life.
What do you do to slow life down a bit?